Just a quick glance to page 103 were the FFail was prepared and now I check the proper name for the trip Boolean, PUMP_TRIP9. Back to Page 110 to add a T_Face symbol. It is important to test a PTD as soon as possible. So we need a kind of operator interface for testing. Note that the T_Face holds the same name as the T_Adm. It has some buttons and predefined Boolean commands. The PUMP_R is used to reset. PUMP_A to start and PUMP_B to stop the pump.
Observe these real time drawing instructions:
Note that all commands originated from the faceplate are transition using the (TL). The state must have an elapsed time of at least that value befor the transition can be performed. Both transitional states, just waiting for the equipment energized to react on the command, are given an alarm time just a second above the expected travel time, and a trip time (ESD=Emergengy Shut Down) a couple of seconds longer. The PUMP_ESD is used in the FFail.
Maybe you noticed that the B command was used and the light blue circle was toggled to red. Now the STD page is no longer showing the grid points.
Just a quick glance to page 101 to use the <Shift>C command on the IN . This input is the raw Boolean field command to indicate that my pump has tripped due to overheating. Note how I use the Xor to invert that fail safe wired connection to get my documentation positive and correct.
On page 110 I am adding a Button to simulate the trip. Now you see how the raw input name is present when the Tag name is asked.